
Wata Wata Everywhere!

GEE GOLLY.  We might as well be in a desert, we've been searching for water so much.  

I feel like every new article I read has SOMETHING to do with finding/searching for/analyzing water in liquid/ice/gaseous form in planets/asteroids/moons.  Do you think space scientists and explorers are trying to tell us something?  Are they worried about the amount of water we have left on Earth? 

Hmmmm...no, probably not, but it's one more thing to freak yourself out over.

This article explores the possibility that water exists extra-super-stellarly in an asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.  In space.  Where it's freakin cold.  So uh...they must be lying to us.  It's the only explanation.

If you don't like that conclusion, you can read the article and make your own.  HOLLER.

P.S. sorry for the loooong pause in article updates.  I believe that I have been consumed by a large university-size whale, have been allowed a moment for breathing through its little spraying hole thingy, and have returned to the belly where SO MANY TERRIBLE THINGS exist.  Things like finals.  

Also, I apologize for not making sense.  The mind is easily lost in the belly of the whale.

Cheers, ciao, LATA.  M.


POSSE ELECTIONS 2010 (Convention 4.21.2010 @5:15)

Hello Hello!

With the year wrapping up, it's time to start preparing for the next fun-filled one! That's right, folks. It's time to elect new officers for POSSE 2010-2011! AWS YEAHS.

The positions available are:

President - Responsible for organizing meetings (obtaining speakers, stating responsibilities of other officers, completing the "checklist", compiling and sending out the mass POSSE email), arranging field trips.
Vice President - Responsible for aiding the President in all organizational matters, arranging field trips.
Secretary/Media Relations - Responsible for making the meeting PowerPoint and sending out the UT Know Events mass email, web updates.
Undergraduate Social Chairs - Responsible for ordering food and beverages for meetings, organizing social events (bowling, movie night, etc...)
Graduate Social Chair/Liaison - Acts as a bridge between Undergraduates and Graduate student members of POSSE (sending out graduate mass emails, fliers, word-of-mouth), assists rest of team.
Natural Sciences Liaison - Acts as a link between POSSE and the Natural Sciences School (sending out emails and posting fliers within the Natural Sciences buildings), assists rest of team.
Engineering Liaison - Acts as a link between POSSE and the Engineering School (sending out emails and posting fliers within the Engineering quad), assists rest of team.

This is YOUR CHANCE to become more involved in school, finally put to use all those leadership skills you've kept secret, and get to talk to some seriously cool people about space/planets/comets/awesomeness.

Tim, Kelly, Brent, Sam, Crossy, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being your POSSE officers this past year, and cannot wait to see what else is in store!

A meeting will be held on 4.21.2010 to discuss elections. We will also be featuring a great speaker, one of the Jackson School's own, Dr. Sean Gulick. He will be presenting his research on "Geological, biological, and resource implications of Large Impacts: Case Study of the 65.5 Ma Chicxulub Crater".

Come and join the fun! Oh, and we gots some suurrryous Chipotle burritos fo y'all.
Check it. M.