
Like Liquid Gold, but Better

Nature Physics,
via Discovery News
features a new article which states that Neptune and Uranus may have oceans composed of......LIQUID DIAMONDS.

If De Beers gets a hold of this information, I think the funding for exploration and research may come a bit quicker. Jus sayin.

The article goes on to say that an ocean of diamonds could help explain the off-axis magnetic field of these two planets (Earth's is lined up with the north and south poles).

The article is quite interesting, explaining why little icebergs of diamond can float on a diamond sea, just like water.
Ahhhh... In other words, heaven.

Cheers - Martha



Well, sorta kinda.

The Hubble Space Telescope has recently determined another theory why some stars in globular clusters, pictured below, appear brighter than others.  It's not necessarily because they are bigger and farther away, or smaller and closer, but because they may actually be stealing some thunder from their neighbors.  Vampire style.

Click for larger imageOr you could call it leeching, I guess.  Pretty much the same thing.  But NASA's right; vampires are way cooler.

Anyway, these clusters (usually 12-13 billion years old, abuh!) have a few loners (blue stragglers) that don't really appreciate their old age, and siphon youth (hydrogen) from the other stars.  Greedy, if you ask me.

The telescope also found that some of the blue stragglers increased their brightness after colliding with other stars, in a sort of nuclear fusion.

That's an interesting little elderly community right there.  Check it out here!


Rover Update

Ello ello!  Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Recent news on our sturdy little Mars Rover:

The little-rover-that-could may be finally reaching its courageous end...

The signs have been slowly creeping up (see the "Awwww Poor Rover... post on 11.13.2009), but still, the loyal followers, such as myself, kept pushing for the friendly robot to keep chugging along.
The dusty and rough Martian terrain has proven to be just too much to handle as of late, as the rover currently lies stuck in a ditch.  If circumstances don't change, power will run out by May.

Here's a little 2:32 minute video with an article below from National Geographic.  The text is taken word-for-word from the video.

Energizer batteries wouldn't work in this case, I'ma guessin'.
