Thanks to everybody who attended the first official UT POSSE meeting! It was a smashing hit. We were VERY happy to see so many people interested and hope all and more will attend the next meeting!
We will not be meeting until next semester, and will notify you all as soon as we set the date.
And of course, anyone is welcome to send suggestions of future speakers, food choice, meeting ideas, or just general organization ideas to
Thanks again guys! We are looking forward to a STELLAR spring semester!
Cheers - Martha
Or mmmmmm . . . GALAXY! Though I'm not sure it would taste quite as yummy . . . Probably kinda gassy actually.
Centaurus A is a giant elliptical radio-galaxy with an active nucleus emitting two very strong radio jets. With a very impressive name to match it's appetite. Oh! And it's also a cannibal.
Munch on that for a bit. Then look look.
The researchers think that in the past Centaurus absorbed a spiral galaxy about the size of the MILKY WAY (i.e. US). Much of the interstellar matter of this spiral galaxy did not just fall into the center of Centaurus A, but rather the densest clouds (of hydrogen gas) were expelled a great distance from the galactic center. Then, the radio jets compressed the gas in the shells, which triggered the formation of new stars recently, enriching the region in heavy elements that can be used as tracers of molecular hydrogen.
And that's how cannibalism works, kids! Yay for science.
Cheers - Martha
Centaurus A is a giant elliptical radio-galaxy with an active nucleus emitting two very strong radio jets. With a very impressive name to match it's appetite. Oh! And it's also a cannibal.
Munch on that for a bit. Then look look.
The researchers think that in the past Centaurus absorbed a spiral galaxy about the size of the MILKY WAY (i.e. US). Much of the interstellar matter of this spiral galaxy did not just fall into the center of Centaurus A, but rather the densest clouds (of hydrogen gas) were expelled a great distance from the galactic center. Then, the radio jets compressed the gas in the shells, which triggered the formation of new stars recently, enriching the region in heavy elements that can be used as tracers of molecular hydrogen.
And that's how cannibalism works, kids! Yay for science.
Cheers - Martha
Straight from a Ray Bradbury Story

While there may be nothing extraordinary, we could find some seriously strange things. Maybe something like the Crystal Caves in Mexico? Hmmmm? Or maybe the close to the Malaysian caves.

Perfect for colonization. . . Mr. Bradbury would be proud.
Awwww Poor Rover...
Our sturdy Mars correspondent is getting on in years (robot years, that is) and is showing signs of amnesia.Maybe NASA should try breadcrumbs . . .

I wonder what WALL-E would do in this case.
I mean, I guess since the original planned mission was about 5% of the amount of time that the rover has actually been on Mars, it's understandable for it to be getting a little tired.
Still, it's kinda sad. . . Maybe NASA should try laying down some breadcrumbs.
Maybe fresh Martian air will jog the Spirit's memory soon. We can only hope.
Don't FORGET to read the article! haha...

I wonder what WALL-E would do in this case.
I mean, I guess since the original planned mission was about 5% of the amount of time that the rover has actually been on Mars, it's understandable for it to be getting a little tired.
Still, it's kinda sad. . . Maybe NASA should try laying down some breadcrumbs.
Maybe fresh Martian air will jog the Spirit's memory soon. We can only hope.
Don't FORGET to read the article! haha...
UT P.O.S.S.E is now fo rizzle
After nearly a semester's worth of hard work, UT P.O.S.S.E is now an official department-sponsored organization!
Now we can really hit the ground running. We have bi-monthly meetings planned, which will include outside speakers, space-themed movie nights, field trips, and most importantly. . . food. Yummy, yummy food.
Undergrads and grads in any college across the UT community are welcome to join! We want to harvest intercollegiate interactions and get everyone and anyone interested involved.
Most immediately, we are looking for ideas on a UT P.O.S.S.E logo. We would love to consider any ideas you guys have, just send them to The logo will be used on flyers, posters, and ahem. . . T-shirts.
We will be having our first meeting on Tuesday, November 24, at 5:30. Place is TBA. But I'll let you know as soon as possible!
Hope to see you all soon!
Now we can really hit the ground running. We have bi-monthly meetings planned, which will include outside speakers, space-themed movie nights, field trips, and most importantly. . . food. Yummy, yummy food.
Undergrads and grads in any college across the UT community are welcome to join! We want to harvest intercollegiate interactions and get everyone and anyone interested involved.
Most immediately, we are looking for ideas on a UT P.O.S.S.E logo. We would love to consider any ideas you guys have, just send them to The logo will be used on flyers, posters, and ahem. . . T-shirts.
We will be having our first meeting on Tuesday, November 24, at 5:30. Place is TBA. But I'll let you know as soon as possible!
Hope to see you all soon!
WHY WHY WHY haven't I heard of this before?!?!
And nothing against the popularity of Illinois, but it's probably right up there with Pluto. I never thought Illinois was cool . . . actually I never thought that much about Illinois period. But now I do! Now that they decided upon THIS EPIC DECISION .
Watch out, because Pluto is coming near you on March 9.
“Well, one could even almost say that we have a model for God.”
Yes, well.
Not quite sure what to think or say about this, but here you go.
There exists a fine line between physics and crazy, which is also reason there have been any advancements in physics at all.
But this? I am at a loss... As much as I would love to live in a world H.G. Wells created, we are toppling over the crazy side when, what was it? oh yes, "15 years and $9 billion" have been spent. Arg.
For now, this should be left to the science fiction writers.
Not quite sure what to think or say about this, but here you go.
There exists a fine line between physics and crazy, which is also reason there have been any advancements in physics at all.
But this? I am at a loss... As much as I would love to live in a world H.G. Wells created, we are toppling over the crazy side when, what was it? oh yes, "15 years and $9 billion" have been spent. Arg.
For now, this should be left to the science fiction writers.
I Don't Mean to Sound like a Hippie but . . .

Check dis out .
Not to sound like your stereotypical Austin hippie with a dictionary full of flower power, but geeze, there has got to be a more efficient and less invasive way to do this. Understandably, further Martian development is an extremely looooong way down the road, if even a possibility, but nuclear use should not even cross our minds at this point. I realize that it is the cheapest and most available resource, but in an era of advancement, we should expect something more.
Am I overreacting?
Just something to think about, should we really be expanding our knowledge of the universe in a way that could potentially be harmful to it?
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