All right guys, so yesterday we had our 2nd and all-time best ever meeting of our renamed UT POSSE. Here are the topics we covered:
Our activities and objectives:
-twice a month seminar and/or meetings with speakers concerning space, focusing on hard bodies
-field trips to space- and planetary- related places
-social-video viewings
-integration of our organization with planetary-interested members of other colleges at UT
-possible job applications and internship opportunities
-mailing list
-honory doctorates
-discovering more organizations we can collaborate with
We specified our Official Purpose:
UT POSSE exists to promote, facilitate and coordinate space,lunar and planetary science studies throughout The University of Texas community.
“Human fashions don’t apply”
Membership requirements:
Must have planetary, space and lunar interest and have UT affiliation.
President - Tim Shin
Vice President - Martha Altobelli
Secretary - Kelly Harris
Thanks everyone for coming to the meeting! There is no way we would have gotten so much done and so much valuable input if you hadn't been there.
Special thanks to Paige Pharr and Steven Gohlke for conjuring up our SAWEET new name: UT POSSE
We are so excited about getting our organization off the ground, and all the enthusiasm at the meeting really boosted our awesomeness. So thanks!